About Richard Glover
My dad taught me to take pictures. He loved photography, but never had as much time for it as he would've liked. He used to show me Ansel Adams' work, and tell me what it was about those pictures and those places that he loved. When he passed, most of his gear went into storage, or was sold off, and I spent most of my time on other things. School, work, coaching high school speech and debate. I returned to photography some years later, as a much needed creative outlet, and as a way of feeling close to my dad again. I've taken pictures of beautiful and interesting places and objects. I've taken pictures of the night sky. I enjoy capturing those things. But, most of all, I've discovered that portraiture is my favorite kind of photography.
I love taking photographs of people. Capturing someone's unique personality, their sense of joy and wonder, and the expression of their most intimate thoughts is what drew me to portraiture. I try to actively seek a sense of fun and playfulness in my images, and I love to hear people who hate having their picture taken say "Wow! I love these!"
If you're ready to make the investment in standing out, being bold, and having photos that bring you joy, click the button below to book a session.